United Firefighters Union Of Australia


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Queensland Branch Elections

Nominations are open for the following Queensland Branch Committee of Management (BCOM) positions:

  • 1 Branch President*
  • 1 Branch Vice-President*
  • 1 Branch Secretary*
  • 1 Branch Executive Member*
  • 3 Branch Executive Members

*election to these positions will also elect the nominee as a Delegate to the UFUA National Committee of Management

All positions are currently vacant.

The BCOM meets to provide strategic direction for the Branch and ensure that good governance processes are in place. There is a legal obligation that those elected will act in the best interests of the Branch and in line with the UFUA Rules. Training will be provided to those elected to ensure each member is able to implement good governance and financial reporting processes.

The 7 positions on the UFUA Queensland BCOM are unpaid positions.

The election of BCOM members is important for providing UFUA Queensland Branch members with democratic control of your union and ensuring that members are represented at the highest levels of decision making.

If you would like to know more about any of these positions, please see further details online https://www.ufua.asn.au/election-notice-ufua-queensland-branch/ or contact qld@ufua.asn.au