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Fair Work Commission Decision on Rules and Membership

The Fair Work Commission has now clarified who is a member of the UFUA Queensland Branch:

“persons who were listed as members of the Branch at 2 September 2018 are deemed to have been properly admitted as members. Their membership is deemed to have been continuous from that date.”

“any person: who joined the Associated State body (the UFUQ) on or after 3 September 2018, and intended or understood that they had joined the Branch, and communicates that intention to the Branch is deemed to have been a continuous member from the date they joined the UFUQ.”

Whilst the UFUQ argued against the proposed rule changes, the Fair Work Commission simply reinforced what has been the practice for decades and rejected the UFUQ’s legal submissions. This means that we will be preparing to hold elections as soon as the AEC is available to do so.

Impact on Membership and Queensland Branch Elections

If you received our September 2022 email about this decision, you are a member of the UFUA Queensland Branch and you are considered eligible to vote in the upcoming branch election.

If any of your colleagues did not receive our email, but thought they had joined the union as a whole when they signed up, they can simply contact us via and they will be added to the membership list. There are no additional fees involved if you are a member of UFUQ.

The Full Decisions

The full decision of the Fair Work Commission can be found here:

The earlier Decision of the Federal Court can be found here: